PODCAST ‼️ Self Care Strategies to Relieve Stress

Is your mental health stressed and overloaded?  Are you always in a position of helping others, to the point where it is affecting your health - while causing stress, anxiety, and even depression? Do you feel fatigued, overwhelmed, or, on the verge of burnout? Are you looking for strategies on how to care for yourself, … Continue reading PODCAST ‼️ Self Care Strategies to Relieve Stress

Sciatica ~ the Most Misunderstood Pain Symptom

Numbness down the leg is an extremely common symptom I see in clinic. A great number of patients will say “l have sciatica”. Is it, though? First off, let’s define sciatica. Sciatica is when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched somewhere along its pathway. It’s important to add here, there are many nerves that go down … Continue reading Sciatica ~ the Most Misunderstood Pain Symptom

The Shen, “Heart-Mind”, in Chinese Medicine Theory

The word Shen derives from early Chinese Medicine texts, in relation to physical, emotional and spiritual health. Heart houses the “Shen”, but what does that mean? In the west, grasping an understanding of this concept, involves letting go of the Heart simply as a physical organ. ❤️ The best translation for Shen, is “Heart-Mind”. It … Continue reading The Shen, “Heart-Mind”, in Chinese Medicine Theory

PODCAST: The Painful Myths of Deep Tissue Massage

Click here to listen to the episode. Deep Tissue Massage is all the rage.  "No pain, no gain" has become a term that echoes through the offices of therapists everywhere.  When we are talking about acute or chronic pain, are painful treatments the only way we can attain muscle, tendon, and ligament release. In this … Continue reading PODCAST: The Painful Myths of Deep Tissue Massage