PODCAST ‼️ Self Care Strategies to Relieve Stress

Is your mental health stressed and overloaded?  Are you always in a position of helping others, to the point where it is affecting your health – while causing stress, anxiety, and even depression? Do you feel fatigued, overwhelmed, or, on the verge of burnout? Are you looking for strategies on how to care for yourself, while caring for others?  

In this episode, “Self Care Strategies to Relieve Stress”, we uncover ways to build up your mental health amongst the stresses of day to day life. 

Perhaps you are a health practitioner, therapist, or, the caregiver of a loved one.  The exhausting weight of constantly being in a caregiving position can surely chip away at one’s health.  Unless, strategies are learned to properly resource ourselves and move into a position of power, strength, and resiliency. 

In this episode, we hold nothing back as we share 30 years worth of caregiving advice. We ask Julie Pouliot, Registered Massage Therapist, for her expertise and advice on this topic. Thank you for watching, and we hope listening brings you improved mental health and hope for the future. 

Watch by clicking the link below:


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