A treatment with Monica includes a synergy of many techniques from the list below. If there are specific treatments that interest you, please let her know during the initial assessment.

Treatments with Monica made through this booking site are held at 385 Baker street, unit 2, in Nelson, BC

At our clinic, Monica utilizes both ancient and modern styles of Acupuncture. For pain relief and sports injuries, she may choose the technique of Trigger Point needling – which quickly releases tension in sore muscles. 
For complaints that are of a more internal medicine nature, Traditional meridian style Acupuncture may be chosen.
Ultimately, blood circulation and healing is the goal. Acupuncture excels at creating a lasting change in the body and restoring balance to muscles, organs, and nerves.

Have you been in an MVA?

ICBC Acupuncture Sessions are available, and treatments are pre-approved as soon as you receive your ICBC claim number. Monica is registered with ICBC’s auto claim services.

Additional Chinese Medicine Services:

  • Chinese Medicine herbal consults and prescriptions
  • Facial Acupuncture
  • Cupping
  • Scraping
  • Chinese Medicine diet therapy
  • Tui Na (Chinese Massage)
  • Tuning forks

Want to learn more about Acupuncture and what a first treatment might look like? Click here and scroll down to our FAQS section.

Manual Osteopaths utilize joint mobilization techniques. A chiropractor uses a high velocity manipulation to accomplish this. Alternatively, in Osteopathy, we use a medium to low velocity mobilization. The result is an increase in range of motion in painful or dysfunctional joints.

Visceral Manipulation (Organ)

Visceral Manipulation involves restoring movement to the internal organs by using gentle techniques that follow the breath to release fascia, sphincters, and the organ tissue.

MyoFascial Release

Fascia is the 3D matrix of the body that gives us all form. Through injuries, poor posture, and muscle dysfunction – fascia can respond by adhering to muscles, forming “adhesions”. These adhesions only worsen over time, as they pull on muscles and wreak havoc, eventually leading to body wide tightness and pain. Myofascial release is a necessary treatment modality to promote proper muscle function.

Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy is similar to Cranial Sacral therapy, with a focus on movement of the cranial bones. This technique is excellent for concussions, headaches, sinus or eye ailments, and neck pain.

Additional Osteopathic services:

  • Nutritional and lifestyle advice
  • Postural Assessment and Orthopaedic Examination
  • Exercise and Stretching regimes

For more explanation of what Manual Osteopathy is, click here

We are known for our effective massage techniques that have depth, precision, and most importantly – provide results. Massage services offered:

  • Deep Tissue
  • Swedish Massage
  • Lymphatic Drainage
  • Myofascial Release
  • Traditional Thai Massage
  • Tui Na (Chinese Massage)

Visit our Education Corner here to read articles in our very own blog!

Monica Ander, R.TCMP, R.Ac, D.OMP

    385 Baker Street, Unit 2, Nelson, BC


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