PODCAST Alert: Is Rest Best? Discussing Acute/Chronic Pain, & the Outdated “RICE” Protocol

https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/health-full/id1713832022?i=1000647348042 Pain and injuries are terrible, and whether you choose to rest - or move, it can massively affect your healing trajectory. Whether it's your brain, muscles, ligaments, tendons or bones - our bodies need movement, circulation, and range of motion - in order to heal.  In this guest episode, we have scouted out industry professional … Continue reading PODCAST Alert: Is Rest Best? Discussing Acute/Chronic Pain, & the Outdated “RICE” Protocol

Scoop Up These Free Acne Diet Tips!

https://youtu.be/advPZV1NInE?si=yCfdkEHQGMOLNNsf Don’t miss this talk! At the end we give you some food examples to eat if you are experiencing acne (not a complete list, but it’s a start). Acne is a very common condition and it can certainly be a source of embarrassment and worry for a lot of people. In TCM, acne can … Continue reading Scoop Up These Free Acne Diet Tips!

Yin & Yang Explained ~ Chinese Medicine Theory Made Simple

https://youtu.be/CiOVZ5Ikms8?si=dopWTAnKM3BAvZ7F Yin and Yang are more than just a fancy circular symbol. In Chinese Medicine, it is the base of what all other TCM fundamentals are built on. Yin can be likened to adjectives like dark, black, winter, quiet, stillness, the moon, inward… On the flip side, Yang is connected to bright, white, summer, exuberant, … Continue reading Yin & Yang Explained ~ Chinese Medicine Theory Made Simple

Q & A with Monica: “Why Does My Pain Get Worse at Night?”

Happy Family Day to you all! Now, to answer a very common question I hear in clinic…. “Why does my pain get worse at night?” According to Chinese Medicine, during the day, the blood is moving and circulating through the body as we go through our daily activities. At night, our blood is less active. … Continue reading Q & A with Monica: “Why Does My Pain Get Worse at Night?”

Podcast: Teapot Breathing to Prepare for Spring

https://open.spotify.com/episode/35uNulmd7XvPKalokPQxgh?si=Bfimg3kjQOCgLJYSJg6nJA In this episode, Monica guides listeners on a breathing journey that is meant to cleanse resentment, frustration and anger.  Clearing these emotions allows for the newness of spring to bring fresh opportunities into our lives. In Chinese Medicine, the spring is related to the Liver.  As you perform the teapot breathing, Monica will teach you … Continue reading Podcast: Teapot Breathing to Prepare for Spring

Podcast ~ The Mysteries of Osteopathy

https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-health-full-150399711 In this episode, Forrest and Monica dive into questions that patients have been asking them about Osteopathy, since they started practicing.What is Cranial Osteopathy?  What is Visceral Manipulation? Why is motility and mobility important?These are just a few of the topics that you're learn about.  See below for detail of the topics discussed. Intro  … Continue reading Podcast ~ The Mysteries of Osteopathy

Scraping at Home

https://youtube.com/shorts/VwW5PnS3uEk?feature=shared Learn how to achieve pain relief at home with Scraping (Gua Sha). Scraping is a beneficial technique to reorganize scar tissue, bring toxins out of muscles, improve blood circulation, and promote healing. This technique has been used for thousands of years in China. It has become popular in modern Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Alternative Medicine … Continue reading Scraping at Home

What We Can Learn From Chinese New Year

The year of the Wood Dragon in Chinese Medicine is associated with the Liver and emotions such as frustration. This season, characterized by the color blue-green, taste of sour, and the emotion of anger, represents new beginnings and opportunities for growth. Harnessing the energy of spring, one can propel towards goals in a healthy manner. Click on the photo to read the whole article.

The Flow of Sound

Sound creates a story that goes beyond comprehension. It stirs up the soil in consciousness, breathes new life and allows people to go beyond the mind’s corruption and rest into a deep sense of feeling. This place of feeling is where revelation happens. Not revelation from the mind, but from the Spirit. This is when … Continue reading The Flow of Sound